eHealthSpiderHealth NEWSHow To Prevent Suicide: Help Someone Who is Suicidal

How To Prevent Suicide: Help Someone Who is Suicidal

Currently, depression is the most common mental disorder, affecting men and women, children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, without considering belief, culture, race, or economic level.

In Romania, half of 20% of people suffering from mental disorders are depressed. Depression is more common than diabetes in our country, according to a study by the Romanian League of Mental Health.

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Worldwide between 120-200 million people are suffering from this disease, representing approximately 3% of the world population, according to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Suicide was labeled as an act of courage, cowardice, weakness, sin, or madness. Capital is a highly complex phenomenon influenced by psychological, biological, and social factors.

Depression is billed as the third leading cause of suicide among people of any age. Prevents depressed people from feeling success, joy, and relaxation.

The individual becomes excessively hard on them and gets to introspect with great severity, reaching intransigence. Specific to depression, feelings of worthlessness and guilt are irrational thoughts that amplify the pain and push suicide.

Everything negative or more complicated in individual life is magnified compared to everything good. In these circumstances, the individual cannot think for himself, depression being the acquirer and “thinks” for him.

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Other factors that determine suicidal

Among the causes that determined suicide other than depression, specialist psychiatrist Gabriel Diaconu list causes a genetic “psychiatric genetics of suicide is a fact, which began as early as the 80s with a work by Mary Asprey, which showed a concentration lower levels of a metabolite in the cerebrospinal fluid of the dead by suicide versus dead by other causes and continued studies which are now absolutely fantastic, how different brain of a suicidal brain of a person with, say the same mental illness but who died of other causes.”

The events of an individual’s first years of life are another factor that can cause some inclination to suicide. Physical trauma, mental or sexual abuse experienced by many people, especially women and children, or adverse socioeconomic conditions can be a source of this behavior.

“In Romania, every second woman suffering from domestic violence, every third woman suffers sexual assault, and one in four children suffer from one of the two,” says specialist psychiatrist Gabriel Diaconu.

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Suicidal behavior is caused by the lack of information in the media about the causes, effects, and implications of, as Gabriel Diaconu: “We need to inform people about this problem better because it was realized that suicide is a disease itself, untreated on time can cause irreversible gestures.”

What can we do to prevent the occurrence of depression or even suicide?

Depression should not be confused with a bad mood transient. Treatment for depression consists of psychological therapy and antidepressants or a combination.

The choice of treatment depends on the patient’s diagnosis and the severity of the symptoms.

On Sept. 10, the World Day for Prevention of Suicide, the platform organized the event “Support the struggle for life,” which was aimed at warning the need to realize that suicide has become a public health problem that cannot be treated with indifference.

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In the first part of the event, Dr. Psychiatrist Gabriel Diaconu, Silvia Dumitrescu, and Florentina Opris joined this cause and shared their personal and professional experience publicly.

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