The problem of osteoarthritis is also known as “degenerative joint disease“. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic joint pain. Causes of osteoarthritis include obesity, joint injury, gout, hormonal disorder, uric acid formation and so on.
Osteoarthritis can cause severe muscle pain, difficulty moving the affected joints, inflammation, stiffness or swelling in the affected joints and so on. Osteoarthritis usually affects the fingers, hands, arms, knees, or back areas. The problem of osteoarthritis can be treated with the use of simple herbal remedies. Some of the most effective herbal remedies are discussed below.
Herbal Remedies for Osteoarthritis
The feverfew
Fever few is an herbal remedy for osteoarthritis. This herb is a member of the daisy family and has anti-inflammatory properties. You can consume one cup of fever few tea frequently to reduce the pain and inflammation resulting from osteoarthritis. Dried leaves of Santamaria can also be consumed to obtain the desired results.
The devil’s claw
The devil’s claw can be used to alleviate the problem of osteoarthritis. Consuming a cup of tea prepared with devil’s claw root on a daily basis can treat various symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. You can also consume devil’s claw extract on a regular basis over a period of 6 to 8 weeks to reduce pain.
Horse Tail
The problem of osteoarthritis can be treated with the use of the ponytail. You can create a tonic by adding dry ponytail powder (1 teaspoon) in water (1 cup) and consume this tonic 2 to 3 times in a day to cure osteoarthritis. Regular consumption of this herb can also help in strengthening joints.
Cayenne pepper
Pepper deces one of the most effective natural remedies for osteoarthritis. You can rub cayenne pepper extract over the affected area on a regular basis to reduce the pain resulting from osteoarthritis in a short span of time. A paste can also be created by mixing cayenne pepper in olive oil and applying on the affected area to treat osteoarthritis. For best results, this paste should be applied before going to bed at night.
Serrata Bosewellia
Another herbal remedy for osteoarthritis is serrata bosewellia. The ingestion of bosewellias errata extract after each meal can help in curing various symptoms of osteoarthritis. You can also use the bosewellia serrata oil to massage the affected area regularly to get the desired results.
“Osteoarthritis” can also be treated with the use of basil. You can chew fresh basil leaves (4 or 5) every morning before breakfast to get relief from osteoarthritis. Dried basil powder (half a teaspoon) can be added to a glass of hot milk and consumed several times in a day to get the desired results. You can also drink basil tea as another alternative.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera can be used as an herbal remedy for osteoarthritis. This herb has anti-inflammatory relief and joint pain. Massaging the affected area with aloe vera gel on a daily basis can aid in relieving pain and inflammation resulting from osteoarthritis. You can also consume aloe vera juice (half a glass) every day for effective results.
You can also go for physiotherapy that could also help to give you more relaxation. Massage chair reviews explore more details on these types of physical disorder.