eHealthSpiderHealth NEWS7 Common Postpartum Problems and How to Deal with Them

7 Common Postpartum Problems and How to Deal with Them

Having a baby is a wonderful experience that women never forget. Bringing a child into the world is not an easy task. Pregnancy and delivery both take their toll on a woman’s body, and problems can often develop postpartum. It is important women are prepared for the seven postpartum problems that may develop and understand how they can handle them.

Her Expanding Abdomen Transforms

The pregnancy process is an amazing one. Seeing a woman’s abdomen stretch larger and larger as the baby grows is a sight everyone is astounded by. It would seem impossible her stomach could go back to normal, but it does in many women. Most women wonder how to get a flatter stomach after their baby, but it takes time.

7 Common Postpartum Problems and How to Handle Them

When a woman’s body delivers a baby, the process is miraculous and terrifying all at the same time. It is no wonder there are multiple postpartum problems that can begin to develop. Being aware of these problems and being prepared will help women to be able to combat the issues.

  1. Bleeding is common for women who have just delivered a baby. If the bleeding is severe, a woman needs to see her doctor right away. It is normal for the bleeding to be as heavy as a menstrual period, but soaking a pad in under an hour means it is excessive.
  1. Women often experience postpartum depression after having a baby. This is completely normal, but it is not talked about enough. Postpartum complications sometimes make depression worse. If a woman feels like she is suicidal or wants to harm herself or her baby, medical care should be sought. Often, the depression comes from hormonal changes and passes within a few weeks.
  1. Changes to the stomach can make a woman feel self-conscious about her appearance. Because the skin is stretched to its limits, it is common for women to experience stretch marks and loose skin. It takes time for a woman’s body to come back to normal after a baby.
  1. Pain is sometimes problematic after a vaginal delivery. A woman may find it burns when she urinates. Using a spray bottle during urination can help. Pain in the perineum area is also common. Ice packs can help to ease the discomfort.
  1. When a woman’s milk supply comes in, her breasts can become quite painful and engorged. If she is not breastfeeding, the swelling will go down after a few days. Cabbage leaves placed over the breasts have been proven to help relieve discomfort.
  1. Hemorrhoids are something most women do not want to discuss, but they are a common occurrence after vaginal birth. All the pushing can lead to pressure on the vessels in that area. There are over-the-counter creams that will relieve the discomfort, and sitz baths are also recommended.
  1. Running a fever after delivery is not normal. If a woman begins running a temperature over 100.4, an infection may be in place. Bladder, kidney, and uterine infections can all occur after delivery. Prompt treatment is needed for fever postpartum symptoms.

Know When to Seek Help

Most women have an instinct that lets them know there is something wrong. If a woman is experiencing any strange symptoms, she needs to see her doctor right away. Call 911 if there is heavy bleeding or a loss of consciousness. 


Having a baby is not easy, but it is worth every pain and problem. Being aware of the above will help women to protect themselves by being prepared.

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