As part of the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, Bio-Oil, an oil specialized in the care and hydration of the skin, issues recommendations to take care of the health of the skin at this stage. Breastfeeding is the period in which the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends giving breast milk to the baby as an exclusive mode of feeding until six months of age of the newborn. At this stage it is in which, through the milk of the mother, the infant is given the nutrients it needs for its healthy development.
Although at this stage the attachment between the mother and the baby increases enormously, there are also certain care that must be taken into account, as the mother can experience a physical and emotional. Precisely because of the high nutrient requirements the baby needs, the mother may suffer from compensations that may be noticeable on her skin. That is why we give you some recommendations to take care of skin health at this stage:
As in pregnancy, when breastfeeding, extreme caution should be exercised regarding the mother’s feeding. It is very important that you follow a balanced diet rich in foods with calcium, vitamins, iron and protein, as well as plenty of water to stay well hydrated. The baby’s dietary requirements require the inclusion in the daily diet of foods such as:
Dairy products
Milk, yogurt and cheese: which should be ingested in an average proportion of four servings per day.
Res, pork, poultry, fish, eggs: At least three servings of any of these should be taken at one time.
Dried legumes and walnuts
Similarly at least three servings per day.
It is recommended to eat on average 4 servings per day.
Especially those containing vitamin C, such as oranges; folic acid brand or vitamin B9, like the meón or the banana; And vitamin A, such as apples or plums; It is advisable to eat 4 servings of these a day.
How does skin to skin increase milk supply?
Bread, cereals and pasta
It is recommended to eat about six servings per day.
Fats and sweets
Although there are no restrictions in this regard at this stage, it is best to moderate. The proportion to be fed depends on the size and level of activities that the mother performs on a daily basis.
Beauty care
If the mother had a cesarean delivery it is important to take measures to minimize the mark left by this intervention, it is very important that NO treatment is applied to attenuate scarring until the wound has completely closed, it is then recommended to apply natural oils Containing bisabolol, chamomile, marigold, rosemary and lavender. According to a survey conducted in Mexico City by Bio-Oil, a product in the care of the skin and reduction of scars and stretch marks; 60% of pregnant women suffer from stretch marks generated during pregnancy, so during this period and during breastfeeding, keep the skin moisturized with oils of natural origin and an abundant consumption of water.
What you should not do and why
During breastfeeding, it is recommended not to spread creams, ointments or oils in the breasts, because being the source of food and contact point of the baby with the mother, this could generate some irritation or allergy in the infant.
Although caffeine has not been found to cause changes in the baby’s sleep time, it is best to avoid the mother’s consumption.
Tobacco / Nicotine
Strictly prohibited smoking in the stage of breastfeeding, as well as the problems that this habit brings to the health of the mother; Evident in the affections in his skin, teeth, hair and lungs, among many others; Smoking or inhaling cigarette smoke, makes your baby prone to colds and infections in the airways.
The presence of alcohol in the mother’s milk has been demonstrated, which can cause the milk output not to be adequate, besides that it usually causes dehydration in the mother, so it is recommended to avoid its consumption.
It is important to check that in the medicines that are supplied to the mother is not contraindication for the period of lactation. If there is any doubt about this signal, consult your doctor before swallowing any of them.